What's Going Through My Head


It's a beautiful Tuesday morning....all kinds of stuff going on....

For starters, people like me who work at colleges are still dealing with student deaths due to alcohol...

Mia (the new dog), who was doing so good going right to her crate when I went to leave for work has now taken up the habit of hiding under the covers of my bed (as if I won't notice a 58 lb dog).

Halo 2 comes out today, I didn't even really like Halo 1...but I'll probably buy Halo 2, how can you own an Xbox and not buy Halo 2?

The post-mortem on the election continues, today's RedEye asks if the push for same-sex marriage swung the election. Here's my quick opinion....values are very very important. It's laudable that someone would put their values ahead of their pocketbook. The challenge is that a lot of us disagree with those values. But ask yourself this question, what if it was on the ballot that affirmative action would be protected in the constitution BUT every affirmative action hire would require a $500 tax. When the measure passed, a lot of people would be praising how the value of a diverse workforce won out over the need to keep taxes low. My point is, it's not a bad thing that values are so important to people, it's a good thing. The mission in the next several years is to get more people to share common values, and stop being so divisive.


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