What's Going Through My Head


Time to pack it in.....

My post-election thoughts.

1 - I should've known this was gonna be tough when John Kerry called Lambeau field "Lambert", and addressed a red state crowd saying "Who amongst us does not love NASCAR?"

2 - It's apparent to me that the democrats better find a way to retake some of the perceived moral center of the country. They won't win any national elections for some time without paying attentiont to the south. Kerry tried and it left him with no political options besides taking Ohio and hoping for the best, which didn't happen.

3 - Yes, 51 million people supported the president, and all of those people cannot be obsessed "right-wing nut jobs". Most of them live next door to everyone.

4 - Mitch Albom wrote a good column this morning: http://www.freep.com/sports/albom/albom3e_20041103.htm

5 - I like this pledge:

  • Support the President, even if I didn't vote for him.
  • Criticize the President, even if I did vote for him.
  • Uphold standards of civilized discourse in blogs and in media while pushing both to be better.
  • Unite as a nation, putting country over party, even as we work together to make America better.
6 - I absolutely want this to be over, I'm tired...and stretching it out when your opponent is up by 3 million seems like a bad plan.

So where are we now? Republicans hold power in all the legislative and executive branches, the supreme court is going to see at least 3 retirements in the near future....so it would appear the people have spoken, and overall, the country is not ready to move too far from the values and traditions that "brung us to the dance". Good enough.....

Just think, only 2 years until we start this crazy tango all over again.


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